This notebook gives an example of how to run the GEM-PRO pipeline with a SBML model, in this case iNJ661, the metabolic model of M. tuberculosis.

**Input:** GEM (in SBML, JSON, or MAT formats)
**Output:** GEM-PRO model


In [1]:
import sys
import logging

In [2]:
# Import the GEM-PRO class
from ssbio.pipeline.gempro import GEMPRO

In [3]:
# Printing multiple outputs per cell
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"


Set the logging level in logger.setLevel(logging.<LEVEL_HERE>) to specify how verbose you want the pipeline to be. Debug is most verbose.

    • Only really important messages shown
    • Major errors
    • Warnings that don't affect running of the pipeline
  • INFO (default)
    • Info such as the number of structures mapped per gene
    • Really detailed information that will print out a lot of stuff
**Warning:** `DEBUG` mode prints out a large amount of information, especially if you have a lot of genes. This may stall your notebook!

In [4]:
# Create logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)  # SET YOUR LOGGING LEVEL HERE #

In [5]:
# Other logger stuff for Jupyter notebooks
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] [%(name)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
logger.handlers = [handler]

Initialization of the project

Set these three things:

    • The directory where a folder named after your PROJECT will be created
    • Your project name
    • Your list of gene IDs

A directory will be created in ROOT_DIR with your PROJECT name. The folders are organized like so:

    └── PROJECT
        ├── data  # General storage for pipeline outputs
        ├── model  # SBML and GEM-PRO models are stored here
        ├── genes  # Per gene information
        │   ├── <gene_id1>  # Specific gene directory
        │   │   └── protein
        │   │       ├── sequences  # Protein sequence files, alignments, etc.
        │   │       └── structures  # Protein structure files, calculations, etc.
        │   └── <gene_id2>
        │       └── protein
        │           ├── sequences
        │           └── structures
        ├── reactions  # Per reaction information
        │   └── <reaction_id1>  # Specific reaction directory
        │       └── complex
        │           └── structures  # Protein complex files
        └── metabolites  # Per metabolite information
            └── <metabolite_id1>  # Specific metabolite directory
                └── chemical
                    └── structures  # Metabolite 2D and 3D structure files
**Note:** Methods for protein complexes and metabolites are still in development.

In [6]:
import tempfile
ROOT_DIR = tempfile.gettempdir()

PROJECT = 'mtuberculosis_gp'
GEM_FILE = '../../ssbio/test/test_files/models/iNJ661.json'
GEM_FILE_TYPE = 'json'
PDB_FILE_TYPE = 'mmtf'

In [7]:
# Create the GEM-PRO project
my_gempro = GEMPRO(gem_name=PROJECT, root_dir=ROOT_DIR, gem_file_path=GEM_FILE, gem_file_type=GEM_FILE_TYPE, pdb_file_type=PDB_FILE_TYPE)

[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Creating GEM-PRO project directory in folder /tmp
[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: /tmp/mtuberculosis_gp: GEM-PRO project location
[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: iNJ661: loaded model
[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 1025: number of reactions
[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 720: number of reactions linked to a gene
[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 661: number of genes (excluding spontaneous)
[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 826: number of metabolites
[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] WARNING: IMPORTANT: All Gene objects have been transformed into GenePro objects, and will be for any new ones
[2018-02-05 18:13] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 661: number of genes

Mapping gene ID --> sequence

First, we need to map these IDs to their protein sequences. There are 2 ID mapping services provided to do this - through KEGG or UniProt. The end goal is to map a UniProt ID to each ID, since there is a comprehensive mapping (and some useful APIs) between UniProt and the PDB.

**Note:** You only need to map gene IDs using one service. However you can run both if some genes don't map in one service and do map in another!

However, you don't need to map using these services if you already have the amino acid sequences for each protein. You can just manually load in the sequences as shown using the method manual_seq_mapping. Or, if you already have the UniProt IDs, you can load those in using the method manual_uniprot_mapping.


In [8]:

[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Loaded in 2 sequences

In [9]:
manual_uniprot_dict = {'Rv1755c': 'P9WIA9', 'Rv2321c': 'P71891', 'Rv0619': 'Q79FY3', 'Rv0618': 'Q79FY4', 'Rv2322c': 'P71890'}

[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed manual ID mapping --> UniProt. See the "df_uniprot_metadata" attribute for a summary dataframe.
uniprot reviewed gene_name kegg refseq pfam description entry_date entry_version seq_date seq_version sequence_file metadata_file
Rv0619 Q79FY3 False galTb NaN NaN PF02744 Probable galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransfe... 2017-07-05 78 2004-07-05 1 Q79FY3.fasta Q79FY3.xml
Rv1755c P9WIA9 False plcD NaN NaN PF04185 Phospholipase C 4 2017-07-05 18 2014-04-16 1 P9WIA9.fasta P9WIA9.xml
Rv2321c P71891 False rocD2 mtv:RVBD_2321c WP_003411956.1 PF00202 Probable ornithine aminotransferase (C-terminu... 2017-07-05 116 1997-02-01 1 P71891.fasta P71891.xml
Rv2322c P71890 False rocD1 mtv:RVBD_2322c WP_003411957.1 PF00202 Probable ornithine aminotransferase (N-terminu... 2017-06-07 117 1997-02-01 1 P71890.fasta P71890.xml

In [10]:
# KEGG mapping of gene ids
print('Missing KEGG mapping: ', my_gempro.missing_kegg_mapping)

[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv1755c: no sequence file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv1755c: no metadata file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv2233: no sequence file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv2233: no metadata file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.core.protein] WARNING: Rv2233: representative sequence does not match mapped KEGG sequence.
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv0619: no sequence file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv0619: no metadata file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv0618: no sequence file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv2321c: no sequence file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv2321c: no metadata file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv2322c: no sequence file available
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Not Found
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.databases.kegg] WARNING: mtu:Rv2322c: no metadata file available

[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 655/661: number of genes mapped to KEGG
[2018-02-05 18:14] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed ID mapping --> KEGG. See the "df_kegg_metadata" attribute for a summary dataframe.
Missing KEGG mapping:  ['Rv0618', 'Rv2233', 'Rv0619', 'Rv1755c', 'Rv2322c', 'Rv2321c']
kegg refseq uniprot pdbs sequence_file metadata_file
Rv0013 mtu:Rv0013 YP_177615 I6WX77 NaN mtu-Rv0013.faa mtu-Rv0013.kegg
Rv0032 mtu:Rv0032 NP_214546 I6Y6Q7 NaN mtu-Rv0032.faa mtu-Rv0032.kegg
Rv0046c mtu:Rv0046c NP_214560 I6X8D3 1GR0 mtu-Rv0046c.faa mtu-Rv0046c.kegg
Rv0066c mtu:Rv0066c NP_214580 L0T2B7 NaN mtu-Rv0066c.faa mtu-Rv0066c.kegg
Rv0069c mtu:Rv0069c NP_214583 A0A089S0Y8 NaN mtu-Rv0069c.faa mtu-Rv0069c.kegg

In [11]:
# UniProt mapping
print('Missing UniProt mapping: ', my_gempro.missing_uniprot_mapping)

[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: Begin
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: user_agent: EBI-Sample-Client/ (; Python 3.6.3; Linux) Python-requests/2.18.4
[2018-02-05 18:14] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: End
[2018-02-05 18:15] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Bad Request
[2018-02-05 18:15] [root] WARNING: Results seems empty...returning empty dictionary.

[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 0/661: number of genes mapped to UniProt
[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed ID mapping --> UniProt. See the "df_uniprot_metadata" attribute for a summary dataframe.
Missing UniProt mapping:  ['Rv2178c', 'Rv2476c', 'Rv3607c', 'Rv1202', 'Rv1030', 'Rv1187', 'Rv2421c', 'Rv2247', 'Rv2701c', 'Rv1662', 'Rv1380', 'Rv2763c', 'Rv2435c', 'Rv0082', 'Rv0189c', 'Rv3757c', 'Rv1133c', 'Rv1257c', 'Rv1623c', 'Rv0958', 'Rv1162', 'Rv3581c', 'Rv1739c', 'Rv1086', 'Rv1077', 'Rv1625c', 'Rv3227', 'Rv2832c', 'Rv3308', 'Rv2858c', 'Rv2193', 'Rv2834c', 'Rv2995c', 'Rv1915', 'Rv3003c', 'Rv1538c', 'Rv2793c', 'Rv2152c', 'Rv3468c', 'Rv1485', 'Rv1079', 'Rv1552', 'Rv1161', 'Rv3307', 'Rv0768', 'Rv1843c', 'Rv1302', 'Rv0780', 'Rv2064', 'Rv2124c', 'Rv1908c', 'Rv1555', 'Rv2754c', 'Rv0346c', 'Rv2467', 'Rv2384', 'Rv3758c', 'Rv1338', 'Rv1311', 'Rv1599', 'Rv1589', 'Rv2930', 'Rv0564c', 'Rv2070c', 'Rv0143c', 'Rv0107c', 'Rv2157c', 'Rv2847c', 'Rv1416', 'Rv0147', 'Rv0432', 'Rv3152', 'Rv0098', 'Rv0548c', 'Rv1408', 'Rv2320c', 'Rv2859c', 'Rv3314c', 'Rv3331', 'Rv3393', 'Rv0509', 'Rv2062c', 'Rv1248c', 'Rv1895', 'Rv2870c', 'Rv1131', 'Rv1294', 'Rv0337c', 'Rv0650', 'Rv1001', 'Rv2211c', 'Rv2471', 'Rv2075c', 'Rv1622c', 'Rv3045', 'Rv0772', 'Rv1607', 'Rv2601', 'Rv2363', 'Rv2483c', 'Rv1553', 'Rv1559', 'Rv3464', 'Rv3010c', 'Rv2552c', 'Rv1031', 'Rv1905c', 'Rv3815c', 'Rv2935', 'Rv3469c', 'Rv1595', 'Rv1293', 'Rv1099c', 'Rv3398c', 'Rv2764c', 'Rv1604', 'Rv2399c', 'Rv1695', 'Rv0253', 'Rv0046c', 'Rv3634c', 'Rv2982c', 'Rv0414c', 'Rv3410c', 'Rv3042c', 'Rv1659', 'Rv0013', 'Rv3582c', 'Rv2051c', 'Rv1082', 'Rv1373', 'Rv1570', 'Rv2236c', 'Rv1093', 'Rv1445c', 'Rv3602c', 'Rv2502c', 'Rv1436', 'Rv1849', 'Rv2382c', 'Rv0952', 'Rv2139', 'Rv0956', 'Rv3283', 'Rv3310', 'Rv0373c', 'Rv2243', 'Rv1612', 'Rv1307', 'Rv3229c', 'Rv3265c', 'Rv2220', 'Rv2786c', 'Rv0382c', 'Rv2583c', 'Rv2678c', 'Rv0896', 'Rv1207', 'Rv0183', 'Rv3913', 'Rv2940c', 'Rv3153', 'Rv1731', 'Rv0973c', 'Rv3247c', 'Rv0728c', 'Rv2987c', 'Rv3846', 'Rv3150', 'Rv0234c', 'Rv3794', 'Rv3436c', 'Rv2427c', 'Rv3257c', 'Rv2539c', 'Rv2965c', 'Rv2156c', 'Rv3791', 'Rv1296', 'Rv2287', 'Rv2899c', 'Rv3275c', 'Rv1837c', 'Rv1285', 'Rv1602', 'Rv2245', 'Rv0423c', 'Rv2208', 'Rv3801c', 'Rv0436c', 'Rv1492', 'Rv2780', 'Rv1658', 'Rv2674', 'Rv2329c', 'Rv3509c', 'Rv3290c', 'Rv0620', 'Rv1383', 'Rv1850', 'Rv0112', 'Rv2996c', 'Rv3396c', 'Rv2671', 'Rv1653', 'Rv2496c', 'Rv3330', 'Rv1663', 'Rv0820', 'Rv1448c', 'Rv2205c', 'Rv1447c', 'Rv2043c', 'Rv3806c', 'Rv2029c', 'Rv3792', 'Rv3313c', 'Rv1822', 'Rv3470c', 'Rv1609', 'Rv0103c', 'Rv3264c', 'Rv1484', 'Rv3534c', 'Rv1603', 'Rv0803', 'Rv2849c', 'Rv2458', 'Rv3341', 'Rv1617', 'Rv0570', 'Rv3609c', 'Rv1512', 'Rv1672c', 'Rv3759c', 'Rv2201', 'Rv0855', 'Rv3236c', 'Rv1940', 'Rv2163c', 'Rv0374c', 'Rv1563c', 'Rv0375c', 'Rv2455c', 'Rv1310', 'Rv1295', 'Rv2702', 'Rv3356c', 'Rv2445c', 'Rv3273', 'Rv1306', 'Rv3423c', 'Rv2589', 'Rv0317c', 'Rv3303c', 'Rv2439c', 'Rv1304', 'Rv3248c', 'Rv0858c', 'Rv0534c', 'Rv3158', 'Rv1605', 'Rv1127c', 'Rv1692', 'Rv1655', 'Rv2192c', 'Rv1391', 'Rv1122', 'Rv2454c', 'Rv2573', 'Rv2949c', 'Rv2379c', 'Rv1240', 'Rv1098c', 'Rv2196', 'Rv0555', 'Rv1350', 'Rv3302c', 'Rv1309', 'Rv0267', 'Rv0255c', 'Rv2194', 'Rv3051c', 'Rv0524', 'Rv2590', 'Rv2465c', 'Rv0137c', 'Rv1601', 'Rv0437c', 'Rv1554', 'Rv1318c', 'Rv3340', 'Rv1389', 'Rv2934', 'Rv0545c', 'Rv0558', 'Rv1005c', 'Rv1412', 'Rv2127', 'Rv2335', 'Rv2392', 'Rv2981c', 'Rv3709c', 'Rv3754', 'Rv2612c', 'Rv2931', 'Rv0557', 'Rv0252', 'Rv2928', 'Rv1347c', 'Rv1449c', 'Rv1600', 'Rv2207', 'Rv0536', 'Rv0295c', 'Rv3455c', 'Rv3411c', 'Rv0503c', 'Rv3708c', 'Rv0417', 'Rv1704c', 'Rv0489', 'Rv3795', 'Rv0553', 'Rv0573c', 'Rv2498c', 'Rv0470c', 'Rv0773c', 'Rv3048c', 'Rv2933', 'Rv3704c', 'Rv3818', 'Rv1737c', 'Rv0266c', 'Rv0644c', 'Rv2130c', 'Rv3280', 'Rv2400c', 'Rv2182c', 'Rv1018c', 'Rv2158c', 'Rv3149', 'Rv2289', 'Rv0126', 'Rv2967c', 'Rv3214', 'Rv2317', 'Rv3490', 'Rv2881c', 'Rv1916', 'Rv1438', 'Rv1348', 'Rv3808c', 'Rv0334', 'Rv1594', 'Rv3156', 'Rv2072c', 'Rv2344c', 'Rv2210c', 'Rv2281', 'Rv0993', 'Rv2316', 'Rv1406', 'Rv1613', 'Rv1201c', 'Rv0091', 'Rv3318', 'Rv3285', 'Rv0409', 'Rv0974c', 'Rv3316', 'Rv2121c', 'Rv2833c', 'Rv3309c', 'Rv1328', 'Rv3266c', 'Rv1213', 'Rv2697c', 'Rv0946c', 'Rv1832', 'Rv3793', 'Rv1011', 'Rv3696c', 'Rv2246', 'Rv3858c', 'Rv1620c', 'Rv2386c', 'Rv1618', 'Rv0211', 'Rv1631', 'Rv0512', 'Rv1385', 'Rv1286', 'Rv2122c', 'Rv3319', 'Rv2249c', 'Rv2835c', 'Rv2941', 'Rv2605c', 'Rv2394', 'Rv3145', 'Rv0886', 'Rv3157', 'Rv3737', 'Rv1094', 'Rv1820', 'Rv0500', 'Rv1236', 'Rv1409', 'Rv2136c', 'Rv3800c', 'Rv2984', 'Rv0118c', 'Rv1121', 'Rv2932', 'Rv1826', 'Rv2233', 'Rv1511', 'Rv2540c', 'Rv3838c', 'Rv1305', 'Rv2200c', 'Rv3146', 'Rv0389', 'Rv0848', 'Rv3279c', 'Rv1529', 'Rv0533c', 'Rv0951', 'Rv0884c', 'Rv1308', 'Rv0482', 'Rv2259', 'Rv0727c', 'Rv0261c', 'Rv3281', 'Rv3756c', 'Rv1475c', 'Rv0462', 'Rv1551', 'Rv0805', 'Rv1656', 'Rv2398c', 'Rv1392', 'Rv1170', 'Rv2438c', 'Rv3379c', 'Rv1562c', 'Rv0066c', 'Rv2726c', 'Rv1844c', 'Rv1699', 'Rv2231c', 'Rv3002c', 'Rv3441c', 'Rv1029', 'Rv3001c', 'Rv1415', 'Rv3148', 'Rv2378c', 'Rv2958c', 'Rv2900c', 'Rv0505c', 'Rv3043c', 'Rv1200', 'Rv1185c', 'Rv2531c', 'Rv3772', 'Rv2947c', 'Rv1654', 'Rv0486', 'Rv2436', 'Rv2977c', 'Rv0511', 'Rv1848', 'Rv1237', 'Rv3601c', 'Rv0733', 'Rv3155', 'Rv0753c', 'Rv0694', 'Rv3215', 'Rv3710', 'Rv3606c', 'Rv0254c', 'Rv3315c', 'Rv3713', 'Rv0155', 'Rv0859', 'Rv3317', 'Rv2222c', 'Rv2495c', 'Rv1745c', 'Rv2497c', 'Rv0771', 'Rv1320c', 'Rv3842c', 'Rv1349', 'Rv2773c', 'Rv1164', 'Rv1381', 'Rv0363c', 'Rv2682c', 'Rv3113', 'Rv3154', 'Rv2860c', 'Rv3588c', 'Rv3608c', 'Rv3535c', 'Rv2318', 'Rv0777', 'Rv0729', 'Rv1714', 'Rv0645c', 'Rv0853c', 'Rv0642c', 'Rv0162c', 'Rv2992c', 'Rv3068c', 'Rv1621c', 'Rv0522', 'Rv1568', 'Rv3465', 'Rv2584c', 'Rv2746c', 'Rv0248c', 'Rv0542c', 'Rv2383c', 'Rv0391', 'Rv2332', 'Rv1264', 'Rv2065', 'Rv1652', 'Rv2291', 'Rv1902c', 'Rv1928c', 'Rv0478', 'Rv0467', 'Rv2713', 'Rv1017c', 'Rv0501', 'Rv0422c', 'Rv1023', 'Rv3624c', 'Rv2071c', 'Rv2964', 'Rv0357c', 'Rv2195', 'Rv1647', 'Rv3293', 'Rv2006', 'Rv3826', 'Rv0499', 'Rv0032', 'Rv2988c', 'Rv2155c', 'Rv3372', 'Rv1712', 'Rv1336', 'Rv0306', 'Rv2397c', 'Rv1611', 'Rv3859c', 'Rv0889c', 'Rv2677c', 'Rv0069c', 'Rv2945c', 'Rv1238', 'Rv0408', 'Rv3276c', 'Rv2361c', 'Rv0510', 'Rv1569', 'Rv2610c', 'Rv0812', 'Rv2962c', 'Rv0649', 'Rv2381c', 'Rv2538c', 'Rv1872c', 'Rv3628', 'Rv0191', 'Rv2920c', 'Rv3777', 'Rv0808', 'Rv2447c', 'Rv2607', 'Rv2611c', 'Rv3790', 'Rv3147', 'Rv2380c', 'Rv2753c', 'Rv1323', 'Rv3255c', 'Rv2202c', 'Rv2443', 'Rv0247c', 'Rv1437', 'Rv3784', 'Rv0156', 'Rv1188', 'Rv0322', 'Rv2957', 'Rv0957', 'Rv3332', 'Rv0157', 'Rv3339c', 'Rv3809c', 'Rv2523c', 'Rv0468', 'Rv0936', 'Rv2501c', 'Rv3106', 'Rv0904c', 'Rv1878', 'Rv1451', 'Rv0794c', 'Rv1885c', 'Rv2524c', 'Rv2153c', 'Rv1606', 'Rv3432c', 'Rv0843', 'Rv0321', 'Rv2883c', 'Rv2334', 'Rv1315', 'Rv0819', 'Rv3667', 'Rv0809', 'Rv1596', 'Rv0084', 'Rv2066', 'Rv2391', 'Rv1319c', 'Rv1163', 'Rv2504c', 'Rv1239c', 'Rv3565', 'Rv2215', 'Rv2855', 'Rv0824c', 'Rv2537c', 'Rv1464', 'Rv2848c', 'Rv2225', 'Rv0070c', 'Rv2241', 'Rv1493', 'Rv1981c', 'Rv2503c', 'Rv2388c', 'Rv1092c', 'Rv1483', 'Rv0788', 'Rv0860']
uniprot reviewed gene_name kegg refseq pfam description entry_date entry_version seq_date seq_version sequence_file metadata_file
Rv0618 Q79FY4 False galTa mtv:RVBD_0618 WP_003900189.1 PF01087 Probable galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransfe... 2017-07-05 87 2004-07-05 1 Q79FY4.fasta Q79FY4.xml
Rv0619 Q79FY3 False galTb NaN NaN PF02744 Probable galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransfe... 2017-07-05 78 2004-07-05 1 Q79FY3.fasta Q79FY3.xml
Rv1755c P9WIA9 False plcD NaN NaN PF04185 Phospholipase C 4 2017-07-05 18 2014-04-16 1 P9WIA9.fasta P9WIA9.xml
Rv2321c P71891 False rocD2 mtv:RVBD_2321c WP_003411956.1 PF00202 Probable ornithine aminotransferase (C-terminu... 2017-07-05 116 1997-02-01 1 P71891.fasta P71891.xml
Rv2322c P71890 False rocD1 mtv:RVBD_2322c WP_003411957.1 PF00202 Probable ornithine aminotransferase (N-terminu... 2017-06-07 117 1997-02-01 1 P71890.fasta P71890.xml

If you have mapped with both KEGG and UniProt mappers, then you can set a representative sequence for the gene using this function. If you used just one, this will just set that ID as representative.

  • If any sequences or IDs were provided manually, these will be set as representative first.
  • UniProt mappings override KEGG mappings except when KEGG mappings have PDBs associated with them and UniProt doesn't.

In [12]:
# Set representative sequences
print('Missing a representative sequence: ', my_gempro.missing_representative_sequence)

[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 661/661: number of genes with a representative sequence
[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: See the "df_representative_sequences" attribute for a summary dataframe.
Missing a representative sequence:  []
uniprot kegg pdbs sequence_file metadata_file
Rv0013 I6WX77 mtu:Rv0013 NaN mtu-Rv0013.faa mtu-Rv0013.kegg
Rv0032 I6Y6Q7 mtu:Rv0032 NaN mtu-Rv0032.faa mtu-Rv0032.kegg
Rv0046c I6X8D3 mtu:Rv0046c 1GR0 mtu-Rv0046c.faa mtu-Rv0046c.kegg
Rv0066c L0T2B7 mtu:Rv0066c NaN mtu-Rv0066c.faa mtu-Rv0066c.kegg
Rv0069c A0A089S0Y8 mtu:Rv0069c NaN mtu-Rv0069c.faa mtu-Rv0069c.kegg

Mapping representative sequence --> structure

These are the ways to map sequence to structure:

  1. Use the UniProt ID and their automatic mappings to the PDB
  2. BLAST the sequence to the PDB
  3. Make homology models or
  4. Map to existing homology models

You can only utilize option #1 to map to PDBs if there is a mapped UniProt ID set in the representative sequence. If not, you'll have to BLAST your sequence to the PDB or make a homology model. You can also run both for maximum coverage.


In [13]:
# Mapping using the PDBe best_structures service

[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Mapping UniProt IDs --> PDB IDs...
[2018-02-05 18:15] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: Begin
[2018-02-05 18:15] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: user_agent: EBI-Sample-Client/ (; Python 3.6.3; Linux) Python-requests/2.18.4
[2018-02-05 18:15] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: End
[2018-02-05 18:15] [root] WARNING: status is not ok with Bad Request
[2018-02-05 18:15] [root] WARNING: Results seems empty...returning empty dictionary.

[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 0/661: number of genes with at least one experimental structure
[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed UniProt --> best PDB mapping. See the "df_pdb_ranking" attribute for a summary dataframe.
[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] WARNING: Empty dataframe

In [14]:
# Mapping using BLAST
my_gempro.blast_seqs_to_pdb(all_genes=True, seq_ident_cutoff=.9, evalue=0.00001)

[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed sequence --> PDB BLAST. See the "df_pdb_blast" attribute for a summary dataframe.
[2018-02-05 18:15] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 141: number of genes with additional structures added from BLAST
pdb_id pdb_chain_id hit_score hit_evalue hit_percent_similar hit_percent_ident hit_num_ident hit_num_similar
Rv0046c 1gr0 A 1861.0 0.0 1.000000 1.000000 367 367
Rv0066c 5kvu D 3828.0 0.0 0.981208 0.981208 731 731

In [15]:
tb_homology_dir = '/home/nathan/projects_archive/homology_models/MTUBERCULOSIS/'

# Needed to map to older IDs used in this example
import pandas as pd
import os.path as op
old_gene_to_homology = pd.read_csv(op.join(tb_homology_dir, 'data/161031-old_gene_to_uniprot_mapping.csv'))
gene_to_uniprot = old_gene_to_homology.set_index('m_gene').to_dict()['u_uniprot_acc']
my_gempro.get_itasser_models(homology_raw_dir=op.join(tb_homology_dir, 'raw'), custom_itasser_name_mapping=gene_to_uniprot)

# Organizing I-TASSER homology models
my_gempro.get_itasser_models(homology_raw_dir=op.join(tb_homology_dir, 'raw'))

[2018-02-05 18:16] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed copying of 435 I-TASSER models to GEM-PRO directory. See the "df_homology_models" attribute for a summary dataframe.

[2018-02-05 18:16] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed copying of 9 I-TASSER models to GEM-PRO directory. See the "df_homology_models" attribute for a summary dataframe.
id structure_file model_date difficulty top_template_pdb top_template_chain c_score tm_score tm_score_err rmsd rmsd_err
Rv0013 P9WN35 P9WN35_model1.pdb 2018-02-06 easy 1i7s B -0.53 0.65 0.13 6.8 4.0
Rv0032 P9WQ85 P9WQ85_model1.pdb 2018-02-06 easy 3a2b A -2.89 0.39 0.13 15.7 3.3
Rv0066c O53611 O53611_model1.pdb 2018-02-06 easy 1itw A 1.91 0.99 0.04 4.1 2.8
Rv0069c P9WGT5 P9WGT5_model1.pdb 2018-02-06 easy 4rqo A 1.18 0.88 0.07 4.6 3.0
Rv0070c P9WGI7 P9WGI7_model1.pdb 2018-02-06 easy 3h7f B 1.80 0.97 0.05 3.3 2.3

In [16]:
homology_model_dict = {}

[2018-02-05 18:16] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Updated homology model information for 0 genes.

Downloading and ranking structures


**Warning:** Downloading all PDBs takes a while, since they are also parsed for metadata. You can skip this step and just set representative structures below if you want to minimize the number of PDBs downloaded.

In [ ]:
# Download all mapped PDBs and gather the metadata

In [17]:
# Set representative structures

[2018-02-05 18:16] [ssbio.core.protein] WARNING: Rv0234c: no structures meet quality checks
[2018-02-05 18:16] [ssbio.core.protein] WARNING: Rv0505c: no structures meet quality checks
[2018-02-05 18:17] [ssbio.core.protein] WARNING: Rv2987c: no structures meet quality checks
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.core.protein] WARNING: Rv2498c: no structures meet quality checks
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.core.protein] WARNING: Rv3601c: no structures meet quality checks

[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 553/661: number of genes with a representative structure
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: See the "df_representative_structures" attribute for a summary dataframe.
id is_experimental file_type structure_file
Rv0013 REP-P9WN35 False pdb P9WN35_model1-X_clean.pdb
Rv0032 REP-P9WQ85 False pdb P9WQ85_model1-X_clean.pdb
Rv0046c REP-1gr0 True pdb 1gr0-A_clean.pdb
Rv0066c REP-5kvu True pdb 5kvu-A_clean.pdb
Rv0069c REP-P9WGT5 False pdb P9WGT5_model1-X_clean.pdb

In [18]:
# Looking at the information saved within a gene

<StructProp REP-2d1f at 0x7fdec937e4a8>
{'_structure_dir': '/tmp/mtuberculosis_gp/genes/Rv1295/Rv1295_protein/structures',
 'chains': [<ChainProp A at 0x7fdec8655630>],
 'date': None,
 'description': 'Threonine synthase (E.C.',
 'file_type': 'pdb',
 'id': 'REP-2d1f',
 'is_experimental': True,
 'mapped_chains': ['A'],
 'notes': {},
 'original_structure_id': '2d1f',
 'resolution': 2.5,
 'structure_file': '2d1f-A_clean.pdb',
 'taxonomy_name': 'Mycobacterium tuberculosis'}

Creating homology models

For those proteins with no representative structure, we can create homology models for them. ssbio contains some built in functions for easily running I-TASSER locally or on machines with SLURM (ie. on NERSC) or Torque job scheduling.

You can load in I-TASSER models once they complete using the get_itasser_models later.

**Info:** Homology modeling can take a long time - about 24-72 hours per protein (highly dependent on the sequence length, as well as if there are available templates).


In [19]:
# Prep I-TASSER model folders
my_gempro.prep_itasser_modeling('~/software/I-TASSER4.4', '~/software/ITLIB/', runtype='local', all_genes=False)

[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv2934: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1827) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv2932: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1538) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv2933: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (2188) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv2931: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1876) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv2380c: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1682) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv3859c: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1527) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv2476c: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1624) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv3800c: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1733) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv0107c: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1632) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv2940c: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (2111) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv1662: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (1602) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep] WARNING: Rv2524c: I-TASSER modeling will not run as sequence length (3069) is not in the range [10, 1500]
[2018-02-05 18:18] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Prepared I-TASSER modeling folders for 108 genes in folder /tmp/mtuberculosis_gp/data/homology_models

Saving your GEM-PRO

Finally, you can save your GEM-PRO as a JSON or pickle file, so you don't have to run the pipeline again.

For most functions, if you rerun them, they will check for existing results saved as files. The only function that would take a long time is setting the representative structure, as they are each rechecked and cleaned. This is where saving helps!

**Warning:** Saving in JSON format is still experimental. For a full GEM-PRO with sequences & structures, depending on the number of genes, saving can take >5 minutes.

In [20]:
import os.path as op
my_gempro.save_pickle(op.join(my_gempro.model_dir, '{}.pckl'.format(

In [21]:
import os.path as op
my_gempro.save_json(op.join(my_gempro.model_dir, '{}.json'.format(, compression=False)

[2018-02-05 18:18] [root] WARNING: json-tricks: numpy scalar serialization is experimental and may work differently in future versions
[2018-02-05 18:18] [] INFO: Saved <class 'ssbio.pipeline.gempro.GEMPRO'> (id: mtuberculosis_gp) to /tmp/mtuberculosis_gp/model/mtuberculosis_gp.json

Loading a saved GEM-PRO

In [ ]:
# Loading a pickle file
import pickle
with open('/tmp/mtuberculosis_gp_atlas/model/mtuberculosis_gp_atlas.pckl', 'rb') as f:
    my_saved_gempro = pickle.load(f)

In [ ]:
# Loading a JSON file
my_saved_gempro ='/tmp/mtuberculosis_gp_atlas/model/mtuberculosis_gp_atlas.json', decompression=False)